How Long Should You Swaddle a Baby

When To Stop Swaddling a Baby

As I was wrapping my new born in it’s cute new swaddle I began to ask myself, when should I stop swaddling my baby? After looking into the matter I found that there are signs that you can use to tell if your baby is old enough to stop swaddling. Knowing these signs will help you sleep not having to worry whether or not your baby is too old to be swaddled.

Although there is no exact point in time when you should stop swaddling, somewhere between 4 to 6 months is the ideal time to transition your baby away from the comfort of a swaddle. When your baby begins to show the following signs, you’ll known it’s time to have your baby stop using a swaddle to sleep.

Signs You Should Stop Swaddling Your Baby

Excessive arm movement

If you notice your baby is moving their arms excessively when you go to swaddle them it may be time to stop. At this point they may enjoy the freedom of extending their arms, the swaddle may be restricting that freedom.

Fighting the swaddle

Sometimes your baby will fight the swaddle until you get them all snugged up and they begin to enjoy it, but if they are really fighting it’s probably not best to force them.

Begging to Roll

Once your baby is rolling it’s not highly recommended that you swaddle because it may be a hazard. If your baby rolls over in a swaddle it will be very hard for them to lift there neck or push them selves away. Avoid swaddling if your baby is rolling over.

Waking up after deep sleep

If your baby continues to wake up after they are in deep sleep and you’ve already tried everything else, the swaddle may be causing your baby to be uncomfortable.

When you notice these signs it may be a great opportunity for you to quit swaddling and begin to transition your baby away from it. To help you manage the transition effectively there are certain steps you can take. The last thing you want to do is take the swaddle away from your baby and have them stay up all night fussing and fighting because they are use to that comfort. Let’s face it, as parents we need as much sleep as we can get. In order to get your baby used to not being swaddled you will need to slowly move them away from them. Here are a few swaddle transition phases to help you do just that.

Swaddle Transition Phases

Swaddle Arms Free

The first thing you can do to move towards not using a swaddle for your baby is to swaddle them with there arms free. What this will do is keep a fraction of the swaddle comfort but give them the freedom with their arms that they have been looking for. You’ll know it’s time to transition into the arms-free phase when your baby keeps fighting through the swaddle asking to free their arms.

Use a Wearable Blanket

After some time you’ll want to start using a wearable blanket because it’ll free their legs as well as there arms. You’ll be able to notice this phase as well because your baby will keep kicking while in the swaddle.

Stop Using When Baby Starts to Roll Over

Once your baby is rolling over it’s definitely time to stop using a swaddle. Rolling over in a swaddle can be a hazard for your baby. As mentioned before, if your baby rolls over in a swaddle they may suffocate because they can’t push them selves away with their arms and neck.

When you realize it’s a great opportunity to quit swaddling and progress, it is critical to have an arrangement set up to make the change simple. To manage you, we have made a basic well ordered arrangement you can pursue every day to effectively change from a swaddle to a wearable cover in as meager as 7-10 days.

Benefits of Swaddling

  • Your baby may sleep longer and deeper
  • Swaddling helps keep your baby sleeping on their back
  • Your baby will be more comfortable
  • Swaddling counteracts pointless wakings brought about by child’s surprise (or moro) reflex
  • Swaddling gets rid of the need for unnecessary things in the crib (as they are a hazard)
  • Your baby won’t scratch her face while swaddled
  • Swaddling in the “hands over heart” position is a favored resting position by most babies
  • It mitigates babies with colic
  • A swaddled baby helps you sleep more!

How Long Should I Swaddle My Baby?

As swaddling has become really popular in the past few years, so have concerns and debates around this old practice. A few specialists currently caution guardians to quit swaddling at 2 months because of the fear that an infant may roll over onto their stomach and not have free hands to push up and free their face to relax or even breathe. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) as of recommended that guardians ought to avoid swaddling when newborn children begin to move (which can occur as right around 2-3 months).

As most parents may be worried when they should stop swaddling, your baby will tell you when they don’t want to be swaddled. If your baby is at the point where they complain or cry when they are wrapped, they’re likely telling you then need to be unwrapped.

If you feel that the time has come to quit swaddling in any way, shape or form, pay attention to your intuition. You, more than anyone, know your baby best. Keep in mind that each baby has different needs that depend on their specific personality and character. Always keep security precautionary measures top of mind, but don’t think that you or your baby should stick to any hard and fast rules. As with most other of baby ventures, feel your way through and listen to your baby’s signs. Together, you’ll make sense of it.