Guide to Etiquette Classes in Chicago

Etiquette Classes in Chicago

Raising children can be difficult enough; but raising polite and confident ones with good manners may feel impossible. Luckily, local experts are available to provide assistance – these etiquette instructors teach young people table manners, conversation skills and more while simultaneously encouraging parents to use manners as a teaching tool to equip their children for social situations with poise and respect.

Lisa Krawzyk founded The Etiquette School of Chicago in 1994 and her students have appeared on television shows like The Tonight Show, ABC News and WGN-TV. Lisa strongly believes etiquette education should be part of every child’s curriculum and that children who understand the significance of treating others with kindness, consideration and respect will have stronger self-esteem, meaningful friendships and leadership potential than their counterparts who do not learn how to treat others properly.

Krawzyk, a former corporate communications executive, excels at making her classes enjoyable for students of all ages – from elementary-schoolers to adults – by encouraging questions and having an upbeat tone during even tough discussions. She emphasizes the value of maintaining an optimistic demeanor throughout, teaching her students to communicate efficiently and respectfully among themselves and with colleagues and peers.

This company provides classes on an extensive array of business topics, including communication, dining and entertaining, professional image and culture awareness – essential skills in today’s dynamic global marketplace.

Etiquette Classes in Chicago are available both in-person and live-online formats, including group seminars and private coaching sessions. Clients can select from over 20 courses that range from etiquette basics to cross-cultural understanding.

Children aged 5-9. Teaches basic table manners and how to respect adults when greeting them as well as how to form new friendships through positive body language, eye contact and vocal tone.

Myka Meier has been featured in both The Plaza New York and The Wall Street Journal for her etiquette lessons. For over 15 years she has taught her “Manners from the Manor” program at The Plaza; additionally she leads courses across the United States with children as young as 5-9 participating.

This class provides training on business and social dining etiquette in 1-1.5 hour sessions in the western suburbs of Chicago. Sessions can be tailored specifically for audiences.